
What is Pica?

Pica is an eating disorder that involves eating items that have no nutritional value. People suffering from pica often crave and consume substances like paper, clay, soil, chalk, soap, glass, hair, cloth, wool, stones, metal, fingernails, and cigarette butts. These substances do not provide any bodily nutrition and can often be toxic.

Pica is found more commonly in children, pregnant women, and individuals with mental health issues. It can be triggered by conditions like iron deficiency anaemia, zinc deficiency, and malnutrition. Sometimes, pica is related to cultural traditions, like the consumption of clay in some societies.


Doctors diagnose pica when a patient has persistently eaten non-food items for at least one month. The disorder can interfere with nutritional health and lead to serious complications if sharp, indigestible, or contaminated items are consumed. Treatment focuses on replacing missing nutrients, addressing any co-occurring disorders, and behaviour modification therapy.

Treatments for pica


Pica treatment targets the underlying cause of the disorder rather than just the behaviour itself. Nutritional deficiencies are commonly addressed through vitamin supplements. For example, iron deficiency anaemia may be treated with iron supplementation.

Providing nutrients through a healthy diet can help reduce cravings for non-food items. Patients may work with dietitians to plan balanced meals and make sure they are meeting daily recommended intakes.

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Types of rarer eating disorders

While conditions like anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder are relatively well-known, several rarer eating disorders also exist

Rumination Disorder-p

Rumination Disorder

Repeated regurgitation and re-chewing of food that has
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Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder-P

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

A pattern of very limited food
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Purging Disorder-P

Purging Disorder

Recurrent purging to influence weight or shape, such as
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Night Eating Syndrome-P

Night Eating Syndrome

Excessive nighttime food consumption and waking
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Orthorexia Nervosa-P

Orthorexia Nervosa

An obsession with only eating foods believed to be pure, healthy
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These disorders are distinct conditions requiring tailored treatment approaches. Like pica, therapy involves addressing any nutritional deficiencies, underlying medical issues, and the root psychological causes that maintain disordered eating patterns. With professional help, recovery is possible.