
The Link Between Physical and Mental Health

Our mind and body are intimately connected. Modern researchers are unearthing this knot of mind and body more closely than ever. This is an exceptionally promising field of investigation that falls within the realm of health psychology. Health psychologists analyse the many impacts of the mind on the body and vice versa. They believe it is possible to elevate someone’s lifestyle by changing the way the person thinks. To change the pattern of the individual’s thought, health psychologists employ many tools of cognitive behaviour therapy, in addition to lifestyle changes, transformation in the social network and so on.

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The biopsychosocial model

Health and Therapy

This model resolves a person’s overall state of health in three different forces meshing into a honeycomb of that person’s overall life. These three factors are respectively are: psychological, biological and social. Psychological describes the sum total of the person’s thought patterns, belief systems and inclinations; biological describes the individual’s overall physical health; and lastly, the sociological records the impact of life events and other individuals on the person’s overall being. Now, all these three factors can mutually align with each other and deliver the person an experience of life conducive to general welfare and overall well-being. When the forces for health nourish each other, the factors become somewhat like below:

Health and Therapy

A psychologist can work independently, as part of an institution or as part of an interdisciplinary healthcare team. The primary objective of a psychologist is to assess, re-assess, evaluate and critically view individuals and society. In doing so, it falls in their responsibility to improve mental health and general well-being. However, there are many currents of approaches for this same goal. A rich history of diverse techniques and approaches has made the field of psychology ripe for unbeknownst research potential.



proper stress management, positive thoughts, resilience and disciplined life.


Well-balanced diet, a life free from addictions, ample time for relaxation.


A healthy and non-toxic social circle, decent access to medical care and health education.

However, all these three factors might go rogue and deal severe damage to the individual’s overall being:


Chronic stress, anxiety, low endurance and resilience, negative thoughts, suspicions, paranoia, obsessions, overly aggressive personality.



Poor diet, predisposition to disease, smoking, pollution and addiction.



Loneliness, poverty, abuse, exploitation, relationship trauma.

The impacts of stress on your body

Stress is the natural way of making your body ready to confront any danger whatsoever, by putting it in a ‘fight-or-flight’ mode. However, sometimes stress, and the associated release of stress hormones could become pathogenic. The brain produces a miasma of chemicals in response to stress that can bring the following changes in your body.
Nervous system

Nervous system

Headaches, irritability, nervousness, heightened sensibility.

Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular system

Escalated heartbeats and raised blood pressure and hypertension.

Respiratory system

Respiratory system

Rapid, shallow and frequent breathing with tense muscles.

Gastrointestinal systems

Gastrointestinal systems

Nausea, pain in the stomach, diarrhoea, constipation, pain, heartburn.

Musculoskeletal system

Musculoskeletal system

Muscle aches and pains, particularly in the neck, shoulders and back.

Reproductive system

Reproductive system

Stress could lead to irregular menstruation and reduced libido in women while being capable of endangering impotence in men.

Assistance of health psychologists in managing health conditions

Psychologists can help terminally ill patients in a plethora of ways. Firstly, they work on the psychological front to fortify their mind so that they can grow more resilient and tolerate the negative impacts of the diseases. The approach of health psychology becomes very useful in dealing with life-threatening illnesses like cancer. A sound and confident mind, free of depression, is capable of putting up more of a fight in the face of a terminal illness than a mind gripped with fear and depression. Hence, here, the first line of treatment offered by psychologists is to fortify the minds of the patients. However, they also make inroads into lifestyle modifications, better diets and rallying better social support to account for the other two forces of health, aka social and biological. Some health psychologists are known to recommend vitamin therapy, regular exercises and other heterodox method of treatment, such as yoga and acupuncture.